About Bonnie Mincu

Senior Certified ADHD Coach, Founder of "Thrive with ADD," Bonnie has been coaching adults with ADD / ADHD traits since 2001. She has developed numerous training programs to help with the challenges of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder.

Here are my most recent posts

Who is talking loudest inside your head? Imagine you have a number of different characters living in your brain. One…

Who Drives Your ADHD Brain Who just drove your brain into the ditch? If much of the time that you started out in your car,…

Who drives your ADHD brain? If your brain were a car… My friend Melanie is the poster child for someone who is clearly NOT ADD.…

Two tools to make packing easy!  
How many times have you planned a trip and swore you’d get your…

Don't be an ADHD Plow Horse A Fable from Bonnie Mincu Once upon a time, many years ago, there was a plow horse who worked hard…

Free strategy training this week
I am starting 2015 ADD / ADHD strategy training with the theme of PAINLESS.…

The last 5 percent Why do we finish 95% of a project, and stop? I’ve heard from many people with ADD / ADHD that…

  Anti-Advice for ADHD: Funny, Sad and All-Too-True I think all of us with ADD / ADHD can relate to…

ADD-ADHD and ambiguity When the task is ambiguous, you stay STUCK!   Video 3 in series: “How Do I Get Myself to DO…

Why ADHD & indecision lead to mental paralysis When too much to do leads to doing nothing

VIDEO 2 in SERIES: “How Do I Get Myself to DO