Relationships and ADD – ADHD
Relationships and ADD
Avoid Friction and Frustration
How are your hidden ADD traits affecting your relationships?
We're aware of the obvious ways that our ADD traits can cause frustration to ourselves and others. But sometimes the more hidden traits of ADD create friction in relationships that we and our partner don't realize until it becomes a serious problem. This teleclass will identify various more subtle areas that our ADD can get in the way.
Personality differences, or ADD / ADHD?
In ADD relationships, there is a common tendency to blame ADD for relationship difficulties that might be a result of simple personality differences. You'll learn the basic personality types, and how to identify your own behavioral style compared to your partner's.For instance, we'll guide you through comparing yourself and your partner's style in the following areas:
- Do you draw your energy from your own internal thoughts, or from being around other people?
- Do you think things through in a sequential way based on facts and experience, or are you a more intuitive thinker?
- With a new project, are you more likely to first think of tasks and ideas, or of people's feelings?
- Do you prefer open-ended time to explore all the options, or definite deadlines to get closure?
- Are you more comfortable speaking your mind, or would you prefer to “keep the peace,” even when you don't agree?
Understanding style differences can go a long way towards building new insights into areas that may have caused friction in your relationship.
Strategies to manage your partner's expectations
When ADDers get diagnosed as adults, their partners may see the new ADD-awareness and treatment as a sign that all sources of friction will now be “cured.” But medication and understanding will not change behavior! You and your partner will need to work out intentional ways of running your lives together that take your ADD traits into account. We'll explore strategies for working through difficulties between relationship partners, as well as with other family members, friends and colleagues. We'll discuss verbal “contracts” that we can make with others to ensure that you both get your needs met.
Discussion is encouraged!
Two-Part Class: This teleclass is given in two parts to encourage discussion and “process time” with your relationship partner between sessions. The notes and audio recording of the class will allow you to share what you've learned with your partner.
You'll leave ‘RELATIONSHIPS & ADD' with new strategies and insight to maintain relationship harmony.
This teleclass is led by Bonnie Mincu, MA, MBA, Senior Certified ADHD Coach.
If you're ready to improve your relationships, don't delay listening to this class. REGISTER NOW!
Notes and Audio Recording
Links to the class recording and notes will be emailed to you immediately upon purchase/registration.
REGISTER to download notes and audio. | Listen at your convenience |
Length – Two parts – 90 minutes each | Total Price – $40 |
Click here to listen to a recorded QUESTION/ANSWER Telephone Session about ADD and Relationships.
- NOTE: This recording will be available for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! Right-click with your mouse to DOWNLOAD this recording and save it on your own computer.
In the Blog

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