ADD / ADHD Self-Test Questionnaire
Determining ADD – ADHD
“Do I Have ADD?”
Take Free Self-Test Questionnaire on ADD / ADHD traits…
See if you fit the profile of an Attention Deficit Disorder adult.
Only a diagnostic specialist can ultimately determine if a person has Attention Deficit Disorder, and can prescribe medication or medical treatment for it. However, before seeking treatment, this informal questionnaire can help you to determine if you have a significant number of typical Adult ADD – ADHD symptoms and traits.
This self-test is more thorough than most, but simple to take. Just print it out and circle the traits that you relate to, if the trait is pervasive, persistent, and prohibiting your quality of life. If you count at least ten, you may want to see an ADD / ADHD Adult diagnostician.
CLICK HERE to Get the Self-Test NOW
Whether or not you get a formal diagnosis, you CAN learn to thrive with your traits and tendencies! Check out the Thrive with ADD Blog, and watch for strategies, insights and training by email.
Click here to learn about individual ADHD Coaching with Bonnie Mincu.
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Business & Personal Coach, Specializing in
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder
Affordable membership program for ADD / ADHD adults:
Learn strategies to achieve ADHD self-mastery
with training, coaching and support.
Click here for details
In the Blog

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ADHD and Mind-Mapping: Best Technique for Planning
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How to change your words and banish ADHD shame What you say defines you. Not just to others, but to yourself. When guilt, embarrassment, or ‘not enoughness’ of ADHD slip into your conversation, you transmit insecurity and shame. Worse, you reinforce that message to yourself. But if you pause just long enough to reconsider and Read post.