Virtual Events on Phone/Web
Live online event starts January 15, 2015
“ADHD Productivity Engine: A program for Work-Life Sanity”
Learn in-depth solutions for getting started, writing, time management, planning, organization, follow-through and more.
9-week LIVE online program. All live sessions are RECORDED to listen at your convenience.
By Bonnie Mincu, Senior Certified ADHD Coach.
Learn at your own pace
Downloadable Class Recordings with Notes
“Thrive with ADD” recordings of past telephone classes are a great way to learn strategies and solutions for a particular aspect of Adult ADD / ADHD. They're just 90 minutes long, and require no preparation. With these DOWNLOADABLE RECORDINGS of interactive telephone classes, you can get the class immediately and listen at your own pace — all at once or a little at a time.
Purchasing the class will give you:
- an audio recording of the class to download,
- comprehensive summary notes that are colorful, well-organized, and easy to follow.
Click here to see the LIST OF RECORDED CLASSES.
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In the Blog

Manage your ADHD to get your work done Having ADHD doesn’t mean that you can’t hold a job or do your job well. Most adults with ADHD can succeed in their careers because they know how to manage their condition at work. The following tips can help you get through the workday with minimal stress, Read post.

ADHD and Mind-Mapping: Best Technique for Planning
Capture your thoughts visually to plan your project With ADHD, you’re full of ideas. But your plans just continue to swirl around in your head without turning into action. If you don’t capture your thoughts in a way you can act upon, too many ideas can just become an overwhelming distraction that keep you stuck. Read post.

How to change your words and banish ADHD shame What you say defines you. Not just to others, but to yourself. When guilt, embarrassment, or ‘not enoughness’ of ADHD slip into your conversation, you transmit insecurity and shame. Worse, you reinforce that message to yourself. But if you pause just long enough to reconsider and Read post.