“How-To” Solutions
Training for Specific Adult ADD / ADHD Challenges
Thrive with ADD's classes emphasize practical solutions and strategies you can implement right now in your life. Download the classes below to listen to the audio recording of the class, and read complete and well-organized notes on each subject.
Developed and delivered by Bonnie Mincu, MA, MBA, Senior Certified ADHD Coach, and Founder of Thrive with ADD.
Break Through Clutter
Work-It Session
WEBINAR recording & slides
Getting through clutter is a daunting task for anyone. Don't go it alone! Learn special ADHD-friendly “6 Simple Steps” strategy for getting through any clutter quickly and painlessly, while you actually work on your own mess during the session.
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Get Started
Move Beyond Procrastination
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Do you find it hard to get started on tasks and projects, sometimes even when it is something you want to do? Procrastination, distraction and mental paralysis — there ARE solutions. You just have to understand the nature of the problem.
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Diagnosis & Treatment
ADHD Medication Demystified
Do you have questions about ADHD diagnosis and medical treatment, but aren't sure who to ask? Listen as I interview Scott Shapiro, MD, a New York-based psychiatrist specializing in Adult ADHD. He shares insight that may surprise you!
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Follow Through
From Idea to Completion
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Do you have great ideas that never go anywhere? Does the thought of all those unfinished projects put a pit in your stomach? This teleclass is for you! Listen in as we discuss how to swing into action and follow through on your projects, once and for all!
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Time Management
Get Out of ADD-Time!
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No need to watch the clock when you listen to this teleclass! This solution-oriented class pinpoints exactly what difficulties you are having with time, provides ways to dramatically improve your time sense, and suggests practical methods to help lateness issues.
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Get Unstuck
For Writing, Planning & Study
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Do you experience ‘Writer's Block' or ‘Brain-Freeze?' In this teleclass, we'll discuss how “Mind-Mapping” — a simple technique using paper and pencil — can help overcome feelings of paralysis, overwhelm and mental block, by organizing your creative thought process in an intuitive way.
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Form New Habits
The Secret to Effective ADD Living
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Learn how to successfully create new habits. This powerful teleclass will help you break patterns of procrastination, disorganization and forgetfulness so you can be productive and get things done! Click here to read more…
Workplace Challenges
Thriving in Organizations
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You'll learn solutions to common work and career issues impacting those with Adult ADD. From office politics to determining if the job is right for you, this content-rich teleclass provides insights and answers.
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Entrepreneurship – Be Your Own Boss
Potential and Pitfalls
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If you're self-employed and have Adult ADD, the right strategies and structure is critical to your success! Find out how you can put your ADD to work – and reap the benefits of business independence. Click here to read more…
Avoid Friction and Frustration
2-Part Class
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ADD-related issues may often create frustration for you and your partner. You both will need to work out intentional ways to live together that take your ADD traits into account. In this class, we'll explore relationship challenges for ADD partnerships, and strategies for working through difficulties.
This 2-part teleclass includes notes from the call so you can share what you've learned with your partner! Click here to read more…
Education & Study
Success in Study and Projects
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If you're a student in college or grad school and want to make your studies go smoothly, this teleclass is for you. Learn how you can manage school projects – as well as your professor's expectations. Click here to read more…
Shame & Avoidance
The Shame-ADD Connection
Featuring Nancy Snell
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Do you suffer from a feeling of shame and unworthiness, fear that others will “find out” about you, driven by a constant need for perfection? If these feelings have caused you to avoid and procrastinate, you'll want to listen to this class and understand the deep connection between SHAME and ADD / ADHD. Click here to read more…
In the Blog

Manage your ADHD to get your work done Having ADHD doesn’t mean that you can’t hold a job or do your job well. Most adults with ADHD can succeed in their careers because they know how to manage their condition at work. The following tips can help you get through the workday with minimal stress, Read post.

ADHD and Mind-Mapping: Best Technique for Planning
Capture your thoughts visually to plan your project With ADHD, you’re full of ideas. But your plans just continue to swirl around in your head without turning into action. If you don’t capture your thoughts in a way you can act upon, too many ideas can just become an overwhelming distraction that keep you stuck. Read post.

How to change your words and banish ADHD shame What you say defines you. Not just to others, but to yourself. When guilt, embarrassment, or ‘not enoughness’ of ADHD slip into your conversation, you transmit insecurity and shame. Worse, you reinforce that message to yourself. But if you pause just long enough to reconsider and Read post.