What are your biggest challenges with work?
Have you found ADD / ADHD traits are causing you difficulties with your job, or in your career?
If you’re like most people with typical ADD traits, you’ve probably become frustrated at some point with the habits and tendencies that seem to undermine you at work. You may have felt like you were somehow sabotaging yourself, despite your abilities and your best efforts to do well.
I believe this is a particularly important issue for ADD Adults, and I will be giving “Thrive with ADD” training on how to overcome the most pervasive ADD / ADHD WORK-RELATED CHALLENGES.
To do that, I need your help!
I’d appreciate your input in a brief online survey. It’s only 5 to 7 questions at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JRBJYZK
The survey is completely anonymous.
The results of the survey will help me in making sure I address the most pressing challenges that people are experiencing. Doors close on the survey on Tuesday, January 31, 2012. I’ll publish the survey results next week.
Thank you so much!
Please SHARE this Survey link http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JRBJYZK with ADD / ADHD Adults before Tuesday, Jan. 31! The more responses I get, the better I can design the kind of training people want and need!