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I'm Bonnie Mincu, a Senior Certified ADHD Coach for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder.
I've created this blog to give you a glimpse into the sorts of issues faced by adults with ADD / ADHD and — most importantly — some solutions for them. Although ADD / ADHD poses some challenges, it need not prohibit you from reaching your goals and thriving in all aspects of life. As an ADHD Coach, I take a positive approach of determining how each individual can use their own strengths and ADD tendencies to their advantage.
First, a note on semantics: I use the terms “ADD” and “ADHD” interchangeably.
Scroll down on the right side to see a list of CATEGORIES of concern to ADD Adults. Under each Category, you'll find a list of relevant blog entries on that topic.
Any time I mention a coaching client, that person's name and other personal details have been altered to maintain confidentiality.
I invite you to subscribe to this blog for strategies, solutions, discussion and tips for ADHD Adults — and to visit my website, — for an ADD Self-Test Questionnaire and other resources for adults with ADD – ADHD.