ADHD, can't plan, overwhelmed

Does the word “planning” make you shudder?  Learn an ADD-friendly 5-step formula for getting started on planning even the most complex project.

Download the 5-step Blueprint for Planning info-graphic

ADHD “Can’t Get Started Blues” Survey shows Overwhelm as number one problem for getting started.  But is feeling overwhelmed the real roadblock, or a symptom of a different problem?

How to Stop ADHD Overwhelm - Mini Video

Mini-training video #1:  How to Stop ADHD Overwhelm

There’s no one-size-fits-all techniques for breaking through overwhelm.   The solutions that will work for you must be based on the cause of your overwhelmed feeling, in that moment.  And it may have resulted from a different kind of difficulty that came first.  Is your overwhelm the chicken… or the egg?….