What are your biggest challenges with work? Have you found ADD / ADHD traits are causing you difficulties with your…

Paperwork 101 for Procrastinators – Make it More Stimulating
In “Tips for Tedious Paperwork – Part 1” I…

Paperwork 101 for Procrastinators – Getting Started
I bet boring paperwork is pretty high on most ADD / ADHD people's…

Create a visual aid for what's due this week For many ADD – ADHD Adults, feeling anxious and overwhelmed is…

Rituals are essential for people with ADHD My last post was about Alex, who recognized he needed to create a…

When you’re overwhelmed to start, and afraid to finish I am most accustomed to having clients say that they have…

Does working with a friend help ADHD productivity? My friend Elizabeth and I discovered that we had similar difficulties getting…

People without ADD would think some of the things that throw us off-course are ridiculous.  But those of us who…

When you're ADHD, taking breaks Improve productivity Now there's proof that taking breaks will make you MORE productive — not…

Tedium + Detail = Stress at Work! My ADHD Coaching client, Amy, really struck home with a comment she made…