When the task is ambiguous, you stay STUCK!
Video 3 in series: “How Do I Get Myself to DO It?”
Are there times when you put off starting a project because it is unclear, or there are elements about it that you just don't know?
For many people with Adult ADD / ADHD, vague feelings of doubt caused by ambiguity can stop them in their tracks.
You may put off starting when you have questions about:
- what to do or what to include;
- who would see it;where to get the information;
- when it was due;
- what was the purpose or goal of the project.
Too many doubts can lead you to question WHY you're supposed to do the thing in the first place, which paralyzes you even more!
When ambiguity stops you for too long, it might be that there's a reason you haven't gotten your questions answered. Too see what it is…
Click here for VIDEO 3: “Ambiguity: Held Hostage by Unanswered Questions”