About Bonnie Mincu

Senior Certified ADHD Coach, Founder of "Thrive with ADD," Bonnie has been coaching adults with ADD / ADHD traits since 2001. She has developed numerous training programs to help with the challenges of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder.

Here are my most recent posts

Results from the ADHD and Taxes SURVEY In my last post, I invited you to take a survey about…

Silly question?  Take a survey and find out Inevitably around this time of year I am reminded of a personal…

Those Boring Tasks that ADD / ADHD Adults  Avoid
In the last post, I described the concept of “dog tasks:”…

Routine Tasks that Inspire Procrastination First of all, this column is not about dogs of the canine variety. I'm using…

You're not weird, just normal for ADHD It's a known fact that procrastination is a big factor in people with…

It could be why you procrastinate! We generally think of stress as a bad thing.  With ADD / ADHD, the…

Procrastination beats them all Thank you to the more than 600 ADD / ADHD Adults who filled out the Thrive…

What are your biggest challenges with work? Have you found ADD / ADHD traits are causing you difficulties with your…

How about simply BEING the best human that you can A coaching client of mine in Europe touched me this…

Or your wait may be longer than you think! Are you having trouble getting ADD / ADHD medication?   It's not…