The ADHD Could-Should Dilemma

Anna knew that having so many talents and possibilities for her life – coupled with ADD — could be both a blessing and a curse.   No matter which route she chose, she would feel that perhaps she should be taking a different direction.

The number of possibilities that you COULD do might be overwhelming. When you couple that with worry about what you SHOULD do, you can spend a long time doing nothing.

Video: What Triggers Your ADHD Overwhelm?

Mini-Training Video #2:  “What Triggers You?”

Many people with ADD / ADHD become overwhelmed when having to deal with information in a modality that is awkward for them.  It’s hard to focus on a lecture if you’re a “visual” person, or to learn from reading a dense manual if you require hands-on practice….

How to Stop ADHD Overwhelm - Mini Video

Mini-training video #1:  How to Stop ADHD Overwhelm

There’s no one-size-fits-all techniques for breaking through overwhelm.   The solutions that will work for you must be based on the cause of your overwhelmed feeling, in that moment.  And it may have resulted from a different kind of difficulty that came first.  Is your overwhelm the chicken… or the egg?….

Attention Overwhelm Disorder

Overwhelm keeps 88% of ADD / ADHD adults from getting started, according to The Procrastination Survey.

Surprisingly, unmotivated procrastination is much less of a problem than distraction and inability to plan…

Who Drives Your ADHD Brain Who just drove your brain into the ditch? If much of the time that you started out in your car,…

The pros and cons of automatic sorting This week I sent out an email about a Gmail development that could…