ADHD “Can’t Get Started Blues” Survey shows Overwhelm as number one problem for getting started.  But is feeling overwhelmed the real roadblock, or a symptom of a different problem?

Attention Overwhelm Disorder

Overwhelm keeps 88% of ADD / ADHD adults from getting started, according to The Procrastination Survey.

Surprisingly, unmotivated procrastination is much less of a problem than distraction and inability to plan…

ADHD Procrastination... or mentally stuck?

We can be world-class procrastinators when we’re unmotivated.  But more often, ADD/ADHD adults have trouble getting started for many reasons that have nothing to do with attitude or motivation!  This mental paralysis is different for every individual.  Discover what’s really holding you back with The Procrastination Survey


Who Drives Your ADHD Brain Who just drove your brain into the ditch? If much of the time that you started out in your car,…

Results are in! Last month, I put out a survey to my readers about Adult ADD / ADHD diagnosis and…