When you report to a boss – and want to keep your job — the expectations of the organization can replace the need for motivation.  But what do you do if there is no boss or deadline?

How to Stop ADHD Overwhelm - Mini Video

Mini-training video #1:  How to Stop ADHD Overwhelm

There’s no one-size-fits-all techniques for breaking through overwhelm.   The solutions that will work for you must be based on the cause of your overwhelmed feeling, in that moment.  And it may have resulted from a different kind of difficulty that came first.  Is your overwhelm the chicken… or the egg?….

Attention Overwhelm Disorder

Overwhelm keeps 88% of ADD / ADHD adults from getting started, according to The Procrastination Survey.

Surprisingly, unmotivated procrastination is much less of a problem than distraction and inability to plan…

ADHD Procrastination... or mentally stuck?

We can be world-class procrastinators when we’re unmotivated.  But more often, ADD/ADHD adults have trouble getting started for many reasons that have nothing to do with attitude or motivation!  This mental paralysis is different for every individual.  Discover what’s really holding you back with The Procrastination Survey


Two tools to make packing easy!  
How many times have you planned a trip and swore you’d get your…

ADD-ADHD and ambiguity When the task is ambiguous, you stay STUCK!   Video 3 in series: “How Do I Get Myself to DO…

Adult ADHD Video-Dog Tasks What motivates you to procrastinate? Series of Short Videos for Adult ADHD Chances are, if you're an adult with ADD…

ADD / ADHD can't get started
Find out WHY you're stuck by observing yourself I talk every week to ADD / ADHD Adults inquiring about coaching…

HINT: You've probably been using the wrong “P” word!
OK, anyone with ADD / ADHD will know what the main…

Take advantage of the honeymoon period! I recently heard from Will, a former ADHD Coaching client who had branched out…