Who is talking loudest inside your head? Imagine you have a number of different characters living in your brain. One…

Who Drives Your ADHD Brain Who just drove your brain into the ditch? If much of the time that you started out in your car,…

Two tools to make packing easy!  
How many times have you planned a trip and swore you’d get your…

Free strategy training this week
I am starting 2015 ADD / ADHD strategy training with the theme of PAINLESS.…

Why ADHD & indecision lead to mental paralysis When too much to do leads to doing nothing

VIDEO 2 in SERIES: “How Do I Get Myself to DO

ADHD Clutter and Indecision How paralysis of indecision leads to clutter How many times have you started plowing through a pile of clutter, only…

ADD / ADHD can't get started
Find out WHY you're stuck by observing yourself I talk every week to ADD / ADHD Adults inquiring about coaching…

ADHD and Chaos:  Is Disorder Inevitable?
Some things never change.  When I started my Thrive with ADD program 12 years…

The pros and cons of automatic sorting This week I sent out an email about a Gmail development that could…

Too many choices lead to ADHD paralysis
Indecision is paralyzing for ADHD Adults
I took 4 days off for the long July 4 weekend last week. …