Why ADHD & indecision lead to mental paralysis When too much to do leads to doing nothing

VIDEO 2 in SERIES: “How Do I Get Myself to DO

Adult ADHD Video-Dog Tasks What motivates you to procrastinate? Series of Short Videos for Adult ADHD Chances are, if you're an adult with ADD…

ADHD Derailment delays college graduation How to avoid your study plans veering off-track  
DERAILMENT is the last of the “4 D's” that ADHD college…

ADHD students needs anti-distraction strategy Without a strategy, distraction will defeat your best intentions The most complex problems facing many ADD / ADHD college students…

ADHD College Student in Denial Don't succumb to Denial This month I’m writing about the “4 D’s” that commonly trip up ADD / ADHD College…

Disorganization at College ADHD Not for students only! As we count down to September, I’ve been having more coaching conversations with parents concerned about…

ADHD Clutter and Indecision How paralysis of indecision leads to clutter How many times have you started plowing through a pile of clutter, only…

"Develop a Time Sense" If  you could take only one class for Adult ADD / ADHD… Which class would you pick? Yesterday I sent…

Questions about medication for Adult ADD-ADHD When You Don't Know Who to Ask
In my ADHD coaching practice, I don't require my clients to be on…

Take advantage of the honeymoon period! I recently heard from Will, a former ADHD Coaching client who had branched out…